Twinsburg Rain Barrel Workshop

Tinker's Creek Watershed Partners Offices 10075 Ravenna Rd, Twinsburg, OH, United States

Click HERE to find out more information and to register!

Macedonia Rain Barrel Build and (Optional) Paint Workshop – 9-25-23

Macedonia Municipal Bus Garage 9683 Valley View Road, Macedonia, OH, United States

Macedonia Build and Paint Rain Barrel Workshop! Join us Sept.25, 2023 at 6pm.

Pop-Up Hike: Darrow Road Stream Restoration Project

Join us for a pop-up hike and site walk to the Darrow Road Stream Restoration area with Tinker’s Creek Watershed Partners in the city of Hudson. The 52.5-acre Darrow Road Park, owned by the City of Hudson, features approximately 37 acres of wetland, hosting the impaired Darrow Park ditch stream. The stream faces challenges such…